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Shades of Manhood was written to reflect on issues in American history, issues in this day and age, how I myself responded to them, and my prescription of how others responded to the men that were and are a part of these issues. This book has a heavy focus on critical race theories from a Black American Male’s point of view. It was written to give point of view, perspective and encouragement to those who read it. The principals of encouraging young men through mentoring programs, the use of biblical structure to help motivate men in stepping up to the plate of community leaders, and using history and literature to entice critical minds are used to show that men are not only born into many shades of skin tone, but men are born in many shades of thoughts and ideas. 

The Magnificent Life of Mercer F. Roux

Volume Two


THE MAGNIFICENT LIFE OF MERCER F. ROUX: VOL 2 MERCER FOR PRESIDENT is the second installment of the life of Mercer. It’s another fast paced mainstream novel that keeps you guessing time and time again, but this time the tables turn for Mercer and for the life as he knows it. In the second installment of his life story Mercer doesn’t travel all over the world, instead he finds a way to become the Prince of New Orleans on his quest to becoming the President of the United States of America. Although he’s on a different mission Mercer always finds a way to keep things exciting with familiar faces, as well as some new personalities. Again this will appeal to all crime fiction lovers of young and old, so find a cozy spot, sit back and come with us on another ride in the life of Mercer. F. Roux.


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